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News and announcements from RNS::

February 25th, 2013 - Time for FreewareRNS:: logo

After a decade of continuous software development, we decided to turn all our software into freeware. The Palm OS and Windows Mobile world is not the same as it used to be four, eight, or twelve years ago. We would like to thank all who were with us for so many years, our Customers, our Testers, our Supporters... Thank you!

Now you can blow the dust out of your old mobile device and install our software free of charge. Enjoy!

October 24th, 2010 - new version: TopCallLogTool 1.4RNS:: logo

A new version of TopCallLogTool was released today.

RNS:: TopCallLogToolTopCallLogTool - The set of tools performing call log operations that Treo phones are missing.

May 11th, 2010 - new version: Butterfly 4.3RNS:: logo

A new version of Butterfly was released today.

RNS:: ButterflyButterfly - Much more then color themes - customize every color in the system color theme!

March 24th, 2010 - new version: Speedometer GPS 1.1RNS:: logo

A new version of Speedometer GPS was released today.

RNS:: Speedometer GPSSpeedometer GPS - Auxiliary speedometer and odometer for your car with GPS satellite precision.

February 15th, 2010 - new application: Satellite ClockRNS:: logo

A new application for Windows Mobile was released today.

RNS:: Satellite ClockSatellite Clock - Simple yet powerful and eye catchy clock with optional GPS synchronization.

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