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RNS:: TopCrashLog

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platform: Palm OS
Target device: Treo and Centro

RSS channel - RNS:: TopCrashLog Overview of TopCrashLog 1.3RNS:: logo
RNS:: TopCrashLog - icon TopCrashLog:
Displays the complete crash log of your Treo smartphone.

Quick links:
Downlaod RNS:: TopCrashLogDownload
Version history for RNS:: TopCrashLogVersion history

RNS:: TopCrashLog - software screenshot
Description of TopCrashLogRNS:: logo

This handy little software displays the complete crash log of your Treo or Centro device in a convenient, clear, and readable form. From now on, if a crash occurs, you will be able to refer to all the available information about the reason of the problem.

Equipped with this information, you will know which application caused the problem, and you will get all the necessary information that you should pass to the application's developer.

TopCrashLog can also remove individual crash log entries to save space in the memory of your smartphone.

TopCrashLog user's resourcesRNS:: logo
Forum threadsForum - read comments about TopCrashLog and post your own messages.
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