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RNS:: Let's Beam

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platform: Palm OS

RSS channel - RNS:: Let's Beam Overview of Let's Beam 1.5RNS:: logo
RNS:: Let's Beam - icon Let's Beam:
Toggle beam protection of any database. Beam and send protected databases.

Quick links:
Downlaod RNS:: Let's BeamDownload
Version history for RNS:: Let's BeamVersion history

RNS:: Let's Beam - software screenshot
Palm database protectionRNS:: logo

It turns out that the protection property of databases saved in the RAM memory of every Palm device can be easily toggled. With RNS:: Let's Beam you can protect/unprotect any database in your device. You can also use it to beam or send protected databases without modifying them.

  • Great for the developers who want to 'protect' their programs.
  • Great for those who strive to beam or send every database.
Let's Beam user's resourcesRNS:: logo
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