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RNS:: TopSelecText reviews by Handango customers

Handango (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Though I am OCD about not using my finger and/or stylus, this is a must have for any T600 user!! Thanx to power of TreoCentral Discussion Forum to get this implemented so quickly.
Handango (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Great little program. The inability to highlight text without the stylus has been bugging me since I got the treo 600. This program adds it seemlessly. Frankly, it should have been built in to the t600 to begin with in my opinion, but thanks to the author for creating it.
Handango (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
This is a wonderful piece of software for the Treo 600, it fundamentally changes the way one interacts with text on the device. Huge thanks go to elysian9 from the Treocentral boards for motivating this project and Radoslaw Nowak at RNS:: for realizing elysian9's concept so well. Way to go, guys!
Handango (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
The need for the stylus just was reduced aggain! Easy to use, feels like it was always there! Love it!
Handango (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
With this text-select tool, Treo 600 users can now finally select and highlight text just like in Windows. Must have!
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