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RNS:: Butterfly reviews by PalmGear customers

PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
BEST system colors editor! Change plain applications into colorful applications like they should have been originally. Customize the colors of Buttons, Menus, Lists, Text fields, Window frames, etc. Use supplied Color Themes, or create and save your own. Assign different color themes to different applications.
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Absolutely the BEST system color customizer. I have used this to change plain dark blue/white applications into colorful applications like they should have been originally by the developer. It takes up very little space. My favorite database is Kinder. Wonderful application!
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
This app is something you've simply got to have! I just can't understand why it isn't present on the "essentials" list, as all colour palm users should have it!
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
This is an excellent application for customizing the color/look of all your applications! works very well. My only wish is being able to choose which applications get this face lift. I wish it had a similar pick and choose list to enable/disable applications affected. Otherwise great!
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Excellent work. This gives me quite a variety of color options on my Clie T615C. Easy to use and much smaller than it's competitors.
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
A great program! Easier to use than the other free color changer (yes, there is one that has been out for a while...starts with a k...)
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Programa excelente, que permite personalizar a fondo todos los colores funcionales del Palm. Muy recomendable para todos los usuarios adictos a tener el Palm totalmente a su gusto.
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