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RNS:: Hi-Launcher user's manual

Main screenRNS:: logo

The main screen of Hi-Launcher Settings serves as the configuration center for RNS:: Hi-Launcher, its Menus and triggers. To open this screen tap Start > Programs > Hi-Launcher.

This screen is divided in two sections:

  • Necessary configuration
    Options grouped in this section have to be set up before you can use Hi-Launcher. The only exception is when you use a pre-loaded Menu - use Load Special menu command to have these options configured for you.
  • Additional customization
    This section contains references to various customization options that let you adapt Hi-Launcher to your needs.

The sections described above contain the following buttons:

  • Menu trigger
    "Menu trigger" is the action that you perform to make Hi-Launcher display its Menu. You must set it up so as to instruct Hi-Launcher when to display the Menu.
  • Design the Menu
    Because it is you who decides what items the Hi-Launcher's Menu contains, you must add these items to your Menu. Use this option to design the Menu yourself or use Load Special menu command to load one of the pre-configured Menus for you.
  • Display options
    Contains various options that influence the way in which Hi-Launcher's Menu is displayed: animation, frame, as well as triggering, list, and contents options.
  • Switch Task trigger
    "Switch Task trigger" is the action that you perform to switch between two most recently used tasks. If you want to use this feature, you must set it up so as to instruct Hi-Launcher when to switch tasks.
  • Exceptions
    Contains several options that change Hi-Launcher's integration with certain applications.

At the bottom of the screen there is the Activate/Deactivate soft button that lets you instantly toggle Hi-Launcher on and off. When Hi-Launcher is active, all its configured triggers are enabled over any running task and perform their actions once triggered (either pop up the Menu or Switch Task). Otherwise, Hi-Launcher is totally disabled and does not interact with the system in any way.

Three functional menu commands are available under the Menu soft button:

  • Load and Save As
    These commands can be used to save and load your designed Menus together with their display options.
  • Load Special
    Use this command to load one of the pre-configured Menus. You have a choice of a sample menu showing most of Hi-Launcher's features, and an option to mimic the original Start Menu found in Windows Mobile. You can later freely adjust these Menus to your needs in the Design The Menu screen.
HintsRNS:: logo

The main screen is the only screen in Hi-Launcher where its triggers are active. They are disabled over all other windows of Hi-Launcher Settings to avoid conflicts with the currently edited Menu options.

On Windows Mobile 6.5 Start Menu is actually not a menu any more. You may use Hi-Launcher to mimic the Start Menu from older versions of Windows Mobile. To do so, call the Load Special menu command and choose the Mimic the original Start Menu option.

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See alsoRNS:: logo
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