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RNS:: Hi-Launcher forum thread

Possible additions for futureRNS:: logo
Bruce wrote: February 1st, 2010
- Function to automatically collect all unassigned apps in an "Unassigned" subfolder

- More settings toggles

- For Contact, ability to automatically create a submenu be created for all communication options: 1. E-Mails, 2. SMS a Mobile, 3. Call Moble, 4. Call all other #s etc. (current is to select ONE of those as the menu entry)

- Ability to Preview menu changes without "saving" them

- Easier copy/paste of menu entries

- Clearer definition on Settings (who knows what "Page" to use?)

- List Items: Allow Text / Submenu, not just icons (some of us don't really read icons!)

- Toggle: "Network" should instead say "WiFi".

- Might be nice to control Alarms/Vibrate/Silence or set to a preset level

- Status: CPU use is always a nice one to have, though I'm not sure how accurate you could make it in a launcher like this without always seeing yourself...

FYI, I'm using a T-Mobile HTC Touch Pro2 with Windows Mobile 6.5, previously on a Treo Pro 650.

Bruce wrote: February 2nd, 2010
I noticed my 1st idea is partially covered under...
...as #2.

But, to clarify it'd be nice to:
- Add all Programs currently anywhere in "Windows\Start Menu" that are not "elsewhere" in the current Hi-Launcher config
- Do so automatically (if set to) whenever the user selects Hi-Launcher (and notify the user)

Additional Use Case:
User is navigating the menus and realizes an entry is in a poor spot (or wants to copy it).
If the User selects the entry - and holds it (e.g., for two seconds), then a menu should allow the user to Copy/Cut/Delete the entry.
Then, the User can Paste into another folder by holding down on any folder.

Of course, this "hold-down" menu should also allow the User to edit Properties like Shortcut key, move /reorder, etc.. There's no reason to have to open the program on its own to do basic things...

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: February 10th, 2010
Thank you for all the ideas, Bruce. I will definitely take them under consideration while creating future versions of Hi-Launcher for Windows Mobile.

Bruce wrote: March 1st, 2010
Any timeline?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 10th, 2010
None yet.
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