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RNS:: Hi-Launcher forum thread

pick program with parameters supportRNS:: logo
Jerry wrote: December 16th, 2009
Two requests for next release.

1, Well, I know in "Run" cmd, I can use parameters to run exe, but for "pick program", I cannot use parameters.

2, "End All Tasks" here are always showing it cannot terminate some processes, I hope this function can be improved.

Thanks in advance. Excellent app from palmos to winmo.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 16th, 2009
#1 is already available - refer to the last 'Hint' in this User's Manual chapter: The "Program" item type.

I've already made a few improvements as far as #2 is concerned and they will be included in the 1.1 release at the beginning of January.

Jerry wrote: December 16th, 2009
Thank you for the so-fast reply, I also want the "soft reset" to be improved, sometimes I use the reset and found some of my "auto done" script files cannot run, but when I try other reset cmd (such as wktask), the script files work well, I dont know why.

And for the #1, My Treo Pro just have "opt" & "shift" buttons, no "ctrl" button...

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 16th, 2009
Are you referring to scripts run at startup by "auto done" script files? I'm afraid I don't have much influence on these. Hi-Launcher simply asks the system to reboot (in the most recommended way) and everything that happens at the boot time is up to the system.

Hmmm, no Ctrl button you say... Don't you have an on-screen keyboard there? Anyway, I'd like to allow using the Option button as well. Is the e-mail address you provided in this forum your real address? I'd like to send you a version for tests... If not, then please use our Contact Form to get in touch directly.

Jerry wrote: December 16th, 2009
I wrote some script files by mortscript to do some sysytem maintenance, and I'm so confused why the script files not work by HL reset, anyway I decide to use wktask with parameters to do reset, thank you.

I'm glad to have the beta version, the email address is true. And I am a full version buyer (from handango).

BTW, why must use "botton hold" to support patameters? why not design the "pick program" like "run" cmd?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 16th, 2009
OK, I will send you the file soon.

I really think that the way it is now (without dealing with parameters by default) is much simpler and straightforward for novice users. If someone is aware of the existence of parameters (and in need to use them), then he/she will refer to the manual or to this forum (like you did) and will hopefully find this option :)

Jerry wrote: December 16th, 2009
Right, and I'm so stupid that my device has on-screen keyboard! You know, like me, all treo lovers are QWERTY lovers, I even forgot I have on-screen keyboard because QWERTY is too convenient!

I have already use on-screen ctrl button to call the parameters form, thank you, and I want to know why HL must create the "Hi-Launcher Recent" folder in /windows/start menu/programs? Frankly, I dislike this folder because it always make my program links' positions change, Hmmm.

PS, you might not send me the test version, I decide to use on-screen ctrl to do the same job. : )

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 16th, 2009
You can hide this folder by clearing the "Show All Files" option in File Explorer and resetting the device.
You can hide it, but you cannot remove it because it is a workaround for the inability to otherwise add programs started by Hi-Launcher to the original Start Menu's recent applications list.

By the way, it is worth to mention that this folder is not created on Windows Mobile 6.5 devices.

Jerry wrote: December 16th, 2009
Thank you, It seems not a big problem, and I will upgrade my OS from 6.1 to 6.5 soon. : )
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