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RNS:: Hi-Launcher forum thread

Features planned for version 1.1RNS:: logo
Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 2nd, 2009
We've got a lot of feedback regarding the first version of Hi-Launcher for Windows Mobile. Thank you all for suggestions and ideas!

We are planning to release version 1.1 in January 2010. It will be free for all registered users (due to our Free Updates Policy).

In this thread I will list major features that WILL be introduced in the January's version:

First one:

1. Custom (picture) backgrounds
will definitely be implemented, as I've already got a working internal version :)

Martin Gleeson wrote: December 4th, 2009
Just tried the new Windows Mobile version of this and love it. Just some suggestions:

1. Allow transparent backgrounds
2. Allow option to suppress the large Right Arrow beside Submenus
3. When Copy/Paste submenus, also copy/paste the contents of the submenu (or at least give an option)
4. When using Pick Program button, open Exporter type browser in the last folder from which a program was picked.
5. Allow definition of Submenu using the contents of an existing folder on the PPC. For example: Allow me to select a folder from Start menu and pull all shortcuts in that folder into my newly created Submenu


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 4th, 2009
Thank you for your suggestions, Martin!

Most of them sound reasonable. Most probably I will implement #5 and #3 first. Once I know this for sure, I will write them here in bold.

I won't rather implement #1 in the first update. Perhaps I will implement #4. What would be your preference for #2 - no arrows or smaller arrows?

Martin Gleeson wrote: December 5th, 2009
Thanks for the quick response.
I think for #2 maybe very small arrows, similar to Windows XP or 7.
I guess that #1 might be a performance issue, but it would look great in some future release.

Many thanks

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 10th, 2009
OK, continuing the official list:

2. Automatically insert all programs from selected folder
3. Automatically insert all settings from selected category in "Settings"
both will be implemented in 1.1 for sure.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 16th, 2009
4. When Copy/Paste submenus, also copy/paste the contents of the submenu

- as you can see, we do listen :)

jacques wrote: January 2nd, 2010
Hi, I'm glad to use Hi-launcher on my phone, it's powerful.
I have a request, could you support Profile changes? like easily switch Flight, Meeting and silent mode.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 4th, 2010
Jacques, I will think about it in future as I am about to release version 1.1 and it's too late to make any significant changes in it.

The final significant change introduced in version 1.1 will be the one suggested by Martin Gleeson above:
5. When using Pick Program button, open Exporter type browser in the last folder from which a program was picked

- this will work for all browser windows in Hi-Launcher.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 11th, 2010
Hi-Launcher 1.1 has just been released. Registered users will receive e-mails with steps to update the software today.

Obviously, I'm locking this thread now. Please share your experience by creating new threads.

Enjoy version 1.1!
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