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RNS:: Satellite Clock

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platform: Windows Mobile

RSS channel - RNS:: Satellite Clock Overview of Satellite Clock 1.0RNS:: logo
RNS:: Satellite Clock - icon Satellite Clock:
Simple yet powerful and eye catchy clock with optional GPS synchronization.

Quick links:
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Version history for RNS:: Satellite ClockVersion history

RNS:: Satellite Clock - software screenshot
Description of Satellite ClockRNS:: logo

RNS:: Satellite Clock uses the GPS technology to synchronize with the extremely precise satellite time. It will work together with any GPS receiver connected to your mobile device or integrated with it.

Once synchronized, the clock can continue working without the GPS receiver. However, it also can keep on showing satellite time synchronized on a regular basis.

Finally, it can work even without a GPS device - in this case, it will simply display the current system time.

Skins supportRNS:: logo
RNS:: Satellite Clock can be greatly customized with the use of skins. You may switch them at any moment to get a brand new look of the application. We have created several high resolution skins for your Windows Mobile device:
Modern skin for RNS:: Satellite Clock Default skin for RNS:: Satellite Clock
Pocket skin for RNS:: Satellite Clock Flag skin for RNS:: Satellite Clock
Metallic skin for RNS:: Satellite Clock Globe skin for RNS:: Satellite Clock

InformationClick on any of the screenshots to download and install the skin to your mobile device.

Satellite Clock user's resourcesRNS:: logo
User's manualUser's manual - everything you need to know to use Satellite Clock efficiently.
User's ManualUser's manual PDF - downloadable version of the user's manual.
Forum threadsForum - read comments about Satellite Clock and post your own messages.
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