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RNS:: TopVCardReceiver

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platform: Palm OS
Target device: Treo and Centro

RSS channel - RNS:: TopVCardReceiver Overview of TopVCardReceiver 1.1RNS:: logo
RNS:: TopVCardReceiver - icon TopVCardReceiver:
Save vCard objects received via SMS directly to your Contacts.

Quick links:
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RNS:: TopVCardReceiver - software screenshot
The industry standard now in your phone!RNS:: logo

Have you ever received a business card via SMS and were frustrated you couldn't easily save it in Contacts?

TopVCardReceiver can automatically handle SMS messages containing vCard data. Such messages would normally be received as messy text. Now, whenever you receive a vCard object via SMS, it will be presented to you in a clear, human-readable form. Then, on your approval, it will be automatically stored in your Contacts application.

TopVCardReceiver can also process vCalendar objects by adding them to your Calendar or ToDo application.

TopVCardReceiver user's resourcesRNS:: logo
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