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RNS:: TopShortCuts forum thread

Press and hold simply causes key to repeatRNS:: logo
Dick Rettke wrote: June 28th, 2009
On my Treo 755p it doesn't matter which key I select (. or S) to insert the shortcut character, when I press and hold it just repeats (except for Alt which pops up the alt menu).

Since I cannot get this to work, how do I uninstall it?

Dick Rettke wrote: June 28th, 2009
Further info on my previous message. It does work in the built in Memo but not in Wordsmith which is where I do 95% of my text processing. I guess I'm not surprised since I know Wordsmith uses some of their own input routines.

So, even though it works I don't think I'll get much use out of it, how do I uninstall it?


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 2nd, 2009
Just like you wrote in your second message, TopShortCuts works in Palm OS text fields, and not in any proprietary controls.

You can uninstall TopShortCuts just like any other application. Call the "App"=>"Delete" menu command in the built-in launcher and remove the "RNS:: TSC" application.

Isabel wrote: May 2nd, 2012
8/9/2006 at 11:23 am</a>I just read a review of the Q and it sdeonud pretty good. I'd love to check it out in person. If anyone wants to send me one to test out, feel free. I'll be happy to write a review on it.Mike, thanks for the feedback and update. If you'd like to write a little more detailed review, I'd be happy to publish it here and give you attribution. Reply</a>
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