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RNS:: TopNewRingtones forum thread

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chip wrote: January 16th, 2009
why must the music be on the card, i already have music on the internal memory will that work

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 16th, 2009
Yes, the MP3 (or other supported formats) files must be on the SD card if you want to process them with TopNewRingtones. If you already have the music on the internal memory (I mean RAM, and not the hidden NVFS drive), then it should be already recognized by the built-in Phone and Sounds applications.

DP wrote: January 27th, 2009
Does anyone know how to move music from Media Player to the SD card? How do I format the card so the Treo sees the MP3 files? All I get now is a folder with no music.

Tammy wrote: March 11th, 2009
Everytime I try to download the music from my SD card to Top New Ringtones my phone freezes up and will not do anything. I have to take the battery out to reset the phone. Does anyone know what could be causing this and what could fix it?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 11th, 2009
Do you see the "Please wait" dialog, or even that one doesn't show up?
Does this happen if you install single files, as well as all files in a folder?

Tammy wrote: March 11th, 2009
Yes, the please wait dialog comes up but that is as far as it gets that is when it freezes. It happens in both single and file installation.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 15th, 2009
Hmm... There is a problem in the current version of the software that it does not check if there's enough memory to install the ringtone to. So basically it freezes when it fills up the whole memory. I will fix this behavior in the very next release. For now, just check if you have enough free RAM memory to install your MP3 files.

Al wrote: April 1st, 2010
Has the memory issue been fixed?
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