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RNS:: TopCallLogTool forum thread

Call Log to Excel SpreadsheetRNS:: logo
Marvin Bullock wrote: January 31st, 2008
The TreoCallLogTool is an excellent means of converting your Treo Call Log to a format that is easily imported into another program like Excel. The tool saves the exported file on the SD card. To get the file into your PC, you can use the free version of ?Documents to Go? that comes with most Palm devices. Simply use ?Documents to Go? to copy the file from the card, to the Treo (device); then sync, the file will be copied to the PC. This eliminates the need for a separate card reader.

marvin wrote: February 2nd, 2008
1. On the Palm, run TCLT, choose Export Records . . . Export.
2. Change the default file name to adhere to DOS standards. No more than eight characters consisting of A ? Z and 0 ? 9, the hyphen and the underscore key. AND CHANGE THE EXTENSION TO .TXT. ex. Abc_123.txt.
3. When the export is finished, enter ?Documents to Go? on the palm.
4. Select the previously named file and press the Menu key and choose ?Move to Handheld?.
5. Run Hotsync, the file will be transferred to your PC. It will probably be in your ?My Documents? folder, if not, use Windows? Search feature to find the file name.
In Excel, choose Data . . . Import. Select the file name. The import wizard will start. The delimiter is a comma. Wala you have a database. I?ve had the phone 4 years and now have more than 28,000 calls logged.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: February 5th, 2008
Thanks, Marvin for posting your discovery.
I'm sure it will help someone in getting access to the log from their PC.
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