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RNS:: TopAreaCodes forum thread

Wheres The TAC Download ?RNS:: logo
David Lerell wrote: June 4th, 2007
I bought TreoAreaCodes with a credit card and got the message "Thank you for your purchase" and did'nt get the Treo Area Codes product download or registration key or anything. I tried to contact the sites people several times with no reply. What should I do now besides change my credit card number ? Does anyone know ?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 5th, 2007
Please wait, I've already contacted Pdassi in this matter, and the problem should get resolved soon.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 5th, 2007
I just got the reply from Pdassi. They said their credit card service provider could not make a transaction with the credit card that you used for buying. Maybe it is invalid or otherwise rejected. So it looks like you have not been charged.

David Lerell wrote: June 16th, 2007
I would recomend TreoArea Codes to anyone. Nice product.

PATRICIO ORCES wrote: November 18th, 2007
I bought TAC with a credit card and got the message and did not get the TAC product download or registration number or something like that.

I tried to send an email to these people several times without receving a reply.

What should I do now, like the person above? Change my credit card number.?

I need an answer ASAP because if not I will cancel the order.

my purchase number 4338-301XX3-XXXX

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 19th, 2007
I replied to you by e-mail.

patricio orces wrote: November 21st, 2007
still waiting... with today is 5 days from the date of purchase. am I really need to wait so long?.

I tried to buy the app from pdassi two times and I did not have any kind of answer from them either.

please I need support with this situation.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 21st, 2007
I've contacted pdassi by e-mail and now we're awaiting their response. That's all I can do in such situation as it's pdassi who is responsible for processing the individual sales.

PATRICIO ORCES wrote: November 23rd, 2007
Well like you know everything is working good so far. thanks for your help. Great appl.

Lester Wimberly wrote: February 12th, 2008
I'm still waiting for my reg. key / full version download, its only been 2 days but still!!! why does it have to take so long? plus I don't see nowhere in the trail version were u can enter a reg. key

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: February 18th, 2008
There are no registration codes for our software. Instead, you should download and install the full version.
Normally you should contact the retailer from whom you bought the software (i.e. Pdassi) about the fulfillment issues.
I have also replied to you by e-mail regarding your specific case.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 3rd, 2008
Good news: with the introduction of PayPal payments to our web site today, Pdassi is no longer the only retailer selling TopAreaCodes.

I hope this means there will be no more registration problems for the US customers.

PATRICIO ORCES wrote: July 11th, 2009
Hello Radoslaw,

I just wondering how I can get an update of the app.
I bought the 1.3 ver. and now you guys are offering the 1.4 version.
The update policy says we can get any update at free cost. Isnt it.

Thanks for this great appl.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 22nd, 2009
I sent you the free update instructions by e-mail, Patricio.
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