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RNS:: TopAreaCodes forum thread

treo 700 capabilityRNS:: logo
neuhmz wrote: January 22nd, 2007
hey is there any way you can update the software for the treo700. I would like to use the software but can't it won't load up.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 22nd, 2007
Do you have Treo 700w or 700p? TreoAreaCodes works on the 700p but not on the 700w because the latter doesn't run the Palm OS operating system.

David Lerell wrote: April 13th, 2007
Is it possible to keep the photo ID option that the phone came with using TreoAreaCodes. I have alot of friends and want the option of seing their face when they call. Thank You. Im using Treo 700p.

Neuhmz wrote: April 13th, 2007
I have the Treo700p with verizon and it won't work

David Lerell wrote: April 14th, 2007
I apologize ...photo ID does work, i just got a call from a friend and pic showed fine. I posted before someone with a pic in my contacts even called. My bad.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 17th, 2007
Make sure TAC is in RAM, and not on the card. Make sure it is activated (the "Active" checkbox is checked), make sure you have installed the appropriate databases for the regions that you call to/receive calls from. Try after deactivating all hacks, system extensions, and other programs that change the system's or phone's behavior. Try after performing a soft reset.
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