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About Our Web Domain

RNS:: vs. ranosoftRNS:: logo

The official name of our company is RNS::, however our official website is available at www.ranosoft.net

You may be wondering why we decided to use the ranosoft.net domain instead of something simple like rns.com. Many years ago, when we established our business and had to register a domain name, we realized that the lowercase letters 'RNS' might read as 'MS' in some font styles:

'rns' may read as 'ms'

Because domain names are always written in lowercase, this would be distracting and confusing for our customers. As a result, we decided to split the problematic letters by expanding the web site's name to ranosoft.net.

The company's name remains RNS:: and all our software is branded with this name:

PalmSoftware for Palm devices by RNS::
RNS:: logo
For more Palm OS software, visit our 'Palm OS products' page.
Treo and Centro smartphone owners should start their navigation with our 'Treo & Centro products' page.
Palm OS software
Treo and Centro software
Windows MobileSoftware for Windows Mobile devices by RNS::
RNS:: logo
For more WM software, visit our 'Windows Mobile products' page.
Windows Mobile software
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