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RNS:: WiFiTalkie forum thread

WiFi TalkieNetwork QuestionRNS:: logo
Rick Smith wrote: December 4th, 2008
I have the Treo 750p (and moving up to the 800w) , there is a small crew and most have the Palm as well here at my Permaculture ranch in the So California Mojave desert, and usually there are anywhere from 6 to 8 of us here at any given time. We are in direct line of sight of the antenna for the wireless router for miles in any direction because of the flat landscape of the surrounding desert, and the fact that we are on 40 acres of undeveloped land that is surrounded by mostly undeveloped BLM land for miles and miles. Our cell service is spotty at best so I thought I would try this out to see if it would serve our needs out here for staying in touch on the fly. I was wondering a few things, and I hope I can get a few of the questions answered here....

1. I have the Hughes Satellite Internet system
a. how does it affect the group's communication, if just the wireless network router is going, and the satellite internet connection is down?
b. does the latency issue with satellite internet an issue?
c. can a person who is using the walki-talki in Mojave talk to someone in Los Angeles
d. can a person at the base station computer, or any pc connected to the LAN for that matter talk to the group on their Treo?s through a desktop app, not just through another mobile device?

If any more questions come up or I can think of something I?ll post it



Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 8th, 2008
Rick, I'll reply to your questions in order:
a. If two wireless devices remain connected to the router, then they will communicate with eachother with no problems, even if there is no Internet connection.
b. This highly depends on the network connection, so I rather you check the trial version first.
c. If you can connect the devices to the same network class, then you can do it. By "the same network class" I mean that the two devices can establish a direct P2P connection with each other.
d. WiFiTalkie is available for Palm OS devices only, so the answer is no.

Rick Smith wrote: December 8th, 2008
Well are there any plans to make or develop a PC/mac interface? has anyone even thought of this? do you have a suggestion box?

There maybe a very simple reason they can't do this.


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 8th, 2008
Yes, I thought about such version already, but currently I'm not planning to develop a desktop version.

Rick Smith wrote: December 8th, 2008
each room has a networked computer installed either on a desk, or by the door, and it would be nice to have access to everybody and all rooms at the same time like a "wifi public address". That would also be a great tool to market to small school campuses, to use as a general alert system plus be able to contact each student or teacher or admistrator via a general address system or send a wifi annouce to just the teachers or students. Not to mention small remote research, medical facilities, and field operation stations.

my other 2 question is...

is the interface screen customizable? and if yes, how much?

and can I just buy a home site license that covers the mobiles for my ranch?


Rick Smith wrote: December 8th, 2008
sorry for the "my other 2 question is..." should be "my other 2 questions are..."

originally i thought i only had one question turns out i have many.....


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 12th, 2008
Thanks for sharing your idea. It's interesting.
Regarding your 2 questions:
Unfortunately the screen is not customizable at all, however I'm planning to support skins in future.
If by "home site license" you mean the reduced price for all devices that you use in your company, then of course we can make a special deal.

Alejandro wrote: May 31st, 2011

Your app "Wifitalkie" works with the "Enfora Wifi Sled" for treo 650??? I am very interested in your palm application but I do not know if this app will fit to this enfora WIFI SLED module Wifi for treo 650. Please, answer me soon. Thanks.

Sincerely Alejandro.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 1st, 2011
We've never tested WiFiTalkie with this equipment. Please go ahead and check the trial version.
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