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RNS:: WeekUp Alarm Clock forum thread

Random use of awful default alarm soundRNS:: logo
Gene wrote: November 20th, 2009
I really liked this app but I've had to stop using it. It kept reverting from the gentle sampled ringtone I use to wake me up to a horrible electronic screech I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. For a while I double-checked the sound setting each night (thereby negating the benefit of setting defaults for each weekday and not having to set the alarm each night); but last night despite my remembering to check and reset the sound, it woke me (and my wife and cat) up with the horrible sound. That's the last straw.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 22nd, 2009
Good! It's supposed to wake you up, and that's what it did! :) Even the cat :)

Now seriously: Does the setting also change, or you can still see the sampled sound when you get back to the "Pick Alarm Sound" screen?

Gene wrote: November 23rd, 2009
When I get back to the "pick alarm sound" screen, I can't see any of the sampled ringtones -- that whole category is missing from the pick list. What I have to do is go into the Centro's Preferences menu, and do something -- anything -- relating to the ringtones; then when I go back to the pick alarm sound screen that category is visible again as are all my mp3 ringtones.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 25th, 2009
I see. Something must be changing system information on your device, and only going to Preferences restores it. It would be good if you could investigate in which circumstances does the "Sampled Ring Tones" option vanish.
If this seems to happen randomly, then your best choice is to disable any third-party applications dealing with system, hacks or system extensions, and see if the problem persists. Well... the final resort is hard resetting the device, and installing WeekUp, and then other applications one-after-another to discover when problems will start again. Perhaps they will not start again if some malicious or invalid piece of software remained in your system before the reset.
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