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RNS:: Speedometer GPS forum thread

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Fred Bittel wrote: October 18th, 2010
Could you please help me understand how this speedometer operates. I do not have a palm device, so I will have to purchase one (4.0 or above) The dealer completely destroyed my speedometer in my car and they can not fix it. I do not want to forfeit the money for a Palm device unless this program will function as a speedometer. Must I purchase anything other than the Palm device? I purchased a GPS device but it only shows MPH and not cumulative miles as an odometer does.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: October 19th, 2010
Your GPS device must be able to connect to the Palm device. This is usually done by means of Bluetooth. So make sure that both devices use the Bluetooth technology. Alternatively you can connect the devices using a serial cable.

Fred Bittel wrote: October 21st, 2010
The instructions in the trial download say to hot sync the program to your Palm device. I just purchased an m500 Palm device, series 4. The instructions in the trial download say to install the program through an open port. This is very confusing. I also have a TomTom 130s GPS device. Could someone please give me simple, implicit step-by-step instructions how to make this work? Perhaps email might be beter than using the forum. I am exmoviddude@yahoo.com. I am computer sav vy but this is a new discipline for me.
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