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RNS:: Speedometer GPS forum thread

Speedometer crashRNS:: logo
Peter Habermehl wrote: May 17th, 2009

on my Palm LifeDrive, Speedometer hangs after a while. Sometimes it is a few seconds, sometimes some minutes, but it always happens.

My GPS is a Holux 230 and works stable togehter with Tomtom Navigator 6 on the same Palm.

Seems like the Bluetooth-Serial communication freezes. Can you help me?

Same freeze happens using NMEA Logger...

Thank you,

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: May 20th, 2009
This is a known bug on some LifeDrive devices that if BT GPS is used by means of serial port, then the communication freezes after some time. Unfortunately all my software use this method as it is much simpler and more universal than the direct method used in TomTom (on the other hand, TomTom might have some problems with GPS detection if no valid signal was captured yet).
I cannot help you much :( Even a hard reset will not rather help you. Perhaps ROM downgrading/upgrading will do (there've been 2 different official ROM versions available for LifeDrive).

Peter Habermehl wrote: May 21st, 2009
Mh, thank you for the information, but I actually would like to have had this information BEFORE I purchased the software. Now I payed 9 Euros for nothing... Maybe you should put this information on your homepage and the pages where your software is sold...

Best regards,

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: May 22nd, 2009
Well, that's what the trial version is for. Now you can also read this information here, on the official forum.

What's more, I cannot be responsible for bugs in hardware or firmware (ROM) of given model. This could be easily fixed if Palm released a fixed firmware version. I'm just using standard serial port communication, which works in all other cases.

Because you couldn't have read this warning here in advance, you can now ask Pdassi for return. I will agree on it should they request my approval.

Peter Habermehl wrote: May 22nd, 2009
I was able to at least partially fix the problem:

Actually I figured out that the Speedometer crashes happen in case of an interrupted GPS reception...

First, I installed FlushIt on my LifeDrive to clear the memory before running Speedometer. This was a hint I found somewhere on the internet.

Second, I bought a new GPS receiver.

This both together seemed to improve stability noticeably - I left Speedometer run for almost an hour without crash!

Only one crash happened later, when I went into the Basement where the receiver had no reception. Unfortunately Speedometer froze then and did not recover when I was back where the receiver had reception again.

After quitting Speedometer and restarting it, it worked again.

So - thank you for your offer to refund my money, but this was not what I asked for - keep it for your work and I'll go on using Speedometer :-)

Best regards

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: May 26th, 2009
Great, Peter.
I checked the circumstances that you described several times (basement without GPS range), and all my Palm devices behaved correctly there. But the truth it that my Bluetooth GPS receiver was constantly sending data to the PDAs, although the data was already inaccurate or cached... So perhaps if yours crash, then it's because of no data coming. But I tried simulating such situation, and my application didn't crash - the GPS timeout soon occured and automatic disconnection followed as expected.
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