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RNS:: Rapid Movie

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platform: Palm OS

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RNS:: Rapid Movie - icon Rapid Movie:
Sequential shooting camera and time-lapse video recorder.

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Version history for RNS:: Rapid MovieVersion history

RNS:: Rapid Movie - software screenshot
Description of Rapid MovieRNS:: logo
The general purpose of RNS:: Rapid Movie is capturing film frames at a rate much slower than a playback speed. When replayed at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster. Processes that would normally appear subtle to the human eye become very pronounced.
Technologies supportedRNS:: logo

The following photography and cinematography techniques are supported by RNS:: Rapid Movie:

  • Time-lapse - each film frame is captured at a rate much slower than it will be played back.
  • Stop motion - an animation technique which makes static objects appear to move.
  • Sequential shooting - pictures are captured one after another in equal intervals.
All video recordings created by Rapid Movie are saved in the QuickTime movie format (*.mov)
All photo sequences shot by Rapid Movie are saved in the JPEG image format (*.jpg)

To play QuickTime movie files created by RNS:: Rapid Movie, you may use QuickTime Player on your PC or Mac, or The Core Pocket Media Player (TCPMP) on your Treo, Centro, or Zire 72 device.

Operating modesRNS:: logo
There are 3 operating modes in RNS:: Rapid Movie:
  • Single Photo - captures still pictures just like the "Camera" application. This simple mode does not actually create movies or photo sequences, but one shot a time.
  • Photo Series - takes pictures sequentially in equal intervals, and saves them as separate JPEG files. You can adjust the interval between consecutive shots.
  • Moving Video - takes pictures sequentially in equal intervals, and saves them all as a single MOV file. You can adjust the interval between consecutive shots, as well as the playback rate.
Areas of useRNS:: logo
The technologies provided by RNS:: Rapid Movie generally give best results when recording objects or scenes that change slowly, in long periods of time. Some classic subjects include: Most of the sample videos presented above were not created with Rapid Movie, but present the general idea instead.
Rapid Movie user's resourcesRNS:: logo
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