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RNS:: HoHo reviews by PalmGear customers

PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
No other midi editor/creator for the Palm OS system does what this one does. A lot of thought and work went into creating this masterpiece. RNS products are the Top of the Line, The Cream of the Crop, totally unique in a market where functionality, performance and service are critical to success. TRY ALL OPTIONS AND FEATURES! YOU WILL LOVE IT, THEN BUY IT! Well worth the price!
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
OUTSTANDING! AMAZING! SUPERB! THE BEST!!! I just wish I had found this long ago. I've been downloading FREE ringtones from the Internet, fixing bad notes and extending some songs longer with an extra verse at the end using THIS Utility. I just copy a ringtone code from an Internet site and paste it into a Memo on my Desktop, HotSync it, copy and paste the code from the handheld Memo into HoHo. Then Export the Ringtone to the system MIDI database that you normally can't even access with a File Manager. I keep the Memos in case I want to go back and edit a sound or make another version of it. This is by far definitely THE BEST alarm management tool I have ever seen ANYWHERE! I haven't had this much fun in a long time! You can make your own sounds or songs, RENAME or DELETE existing ones. Creating new sounds is VERY easy, NOT COMPLICATED like previous reviews. This is a must have for any alarm/ringtone lover or fanatic! I have been looking for some way to add ringtones to my Palm MIDI database for a LONG TIME. Creating, Editing and Deleting ringtones has never been so easy! You can even change formats. You can beam your creations to other Registered owners and share ringtones with each other. EXCELLENT price for all that it does! NOW that I have this, I can't live without it! I have spent many hours playing around with all the options. I can not say enough about this program! RNS makes the most unique applications that are TOP OF THE LINE! Developer support is always very quick, sometimes only minutes or a couple of hours. Thanks for the GREAT program!
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
This MIDI Editor plugin is great! Finally we have an alternative to old, never updated AlarmMaster. HoHo's screen doesn't repaint continously and the plugin offers much more features.
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Really great stuff! That is what I was looking for - creating my own sounds for the palm! And the author: Excellent - if you have a question he's responding immediately!
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Six Stars!!! :) RNS has implemented every feature and enhancement I've suggested or even wished for! There goes Ringo, no need for that! And whoops! There goes AlarmMaster, too! Awww yeah! This is a must have for any alarm/ringtone fanatic! If RNS can implement beaming ring tones to cell phones, that would be uber cool, but even without that it's easy enough to compose a tune with HoHo, then input the correct notation into the cell phone the old fashioned way. SOoooo much better than all that trial and error on the cell phone ring tone editors! Three cheers for RNS:HoHo! HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY! :)
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
I have been looking for some way to get ringtones into my palm for some time now. This program is definitely the best. A few of the other alarm programs are expensive, and do WAY less than this program does. HoHo is great! There are tons of free ringtones on the web, don't pay someone else $9.95 for a collection of them. Use this utility and download the ones you really want for free. My only wish is that this program had a feature to edit sounds from your midi database. At least it has the ability to create new ones, and delete old ones from the database.
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Great program. Would love to be able to see the individual keys on the keyboard. Thanks for all your hard work.
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
This application is superb! The new 1.4 version is even better! The new function of converting ringtones - that's what my Palm and Motorola were waiting for!
PalmGear (5 of 5)RNS:: logo
Excellent! At last I don't need to be woken up by the built in alarm sounds! Now I can create them by myself! Or I can find lots of them on the Internet! Best regards for the author!
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