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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Using the Simple KeyboardRNS:: logo
Jonathan wrote: August 27th, 2002
Ive been writng my own alarms for my Palm, and have a question regarding the special code that the notes are written in. The first number is volume, the first letter is octave, second letter is note, and last number is length right? And is there a way to "tie" notes? I find many songs have tied notes, and wonder if hoho has a way to do that. Thanks.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: August 27th, 2002
You are right about what the elements of a note are. You have described the HoHo format. If you have a cell phone, you can install and use other formats. You toggle between them using the popup list on the top right corner of HoHo. You can read the description of the selected format using the menu: "Help" -> "Current Format".

You can "tie" notes in HoHo. Use the "Options" menu to get to "HoHo Preferences". Now choose the "Contiguous playback (legato)" command.

nigel wrote: July 31st, 2003
its gay dont do it

Juan Johnson wrote: June 12th, 2005
I play the keyboard at my church and would like to get some songs, I read simple notes, cords, etc.. I need help on some songs, thank you
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