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Treo 300 Polyphony support?RNS:: logo
J. Lasser wrote: October 3rd, 2002
Does HoHo support the Treo 300's polyphonic ringtones? If so, do I need to do anything special to use them?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: October 3rd, 2002
Current versions do not support Treo 300, but we are working it.
Most probably polyphony won't be available at first.

Robert Maefs wrote: November 26th, 2002
It's 11/25/02... does it Support Treo300 and polyphony now? Thanks!

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 26th, 2002
Not yet, sorry...

NateS wrote: December 9th, 2002
Please notify me as soon as you have Treo300 with
polyphony support.

Thank you.

Best wishes

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 9th, 2002
You will be informed, however I'm afraid it won't be soon.

aarroneous wrote: December 28th, 2002
Polyphonic support yet? =)

As a side question, would it be possible to
compose a MIDI file with another app, then
somehow import it into a Palm/Visor/Treo using
the MIDI manager?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: December 30th, 2002
Still there is no Treo 300 support.

You can compose a MIDI file on your PC, but while saving it, you must use the MIDI SMF0 format for full compatibility with Palm OS.

To learn how to import a *.mid file to Palm, see this thread on the HoHo Discussion: Import MIDI from PC.

Milen Shishkov wrote: January 7th, 2003
I am just including my voice
Great program! Make it even greater and when you do please notify us

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 7th, 2003
Everyone who adds to this thread will be notified when it's finally done.

WrongWay wrote: March 14th, 2003
its now much much later..(not anytime soon) any word on polyphonic support??

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 14th, 2003
Unfortunately I can now say that almost certainly HoHo will not support Treo 300 ringtones. The reason is simple - the manufacturers of Treo 300 (Handspring or its subsidiaries) do not publish the ringtone format and installation speciffication. In spite of my searches and numerous e-mails, I couldn't receive the speciffication. At the moment I am about to give up. Sorry!

WrongWay wrote: March 14th, 2003
have you checked.... http://www.handspring.com/developers/Devkit2/AN-26RingTonesTreo300.pdf


NateS wrote: March 16th, 2003

Take a look at this website:


It should be of assistance to you.



Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 23rd, 2003
Thank you all for your help.

NateS, I cannot open the web address you suggested.

WrongWay, the document you've found seems to be it!

I will contact all you people from this page directly via e-mail and send you a slightly modified HoHo version, so that you can see and tell me if it really works.

NateS wrote: March 24th, 2003
RaNo - You said:

"NateS, I cannot open the web address you

I just clicked on the url I previously gave you right as it
appears immediately above on this very page, and
Internet Explorer immediately took me from your
website to that one.

Can anyone else posting here try clicking and see what
you get?



Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 24th, 2003
Now it is OK. The page must have had some temporaty problems.

It also looks interesting. If the first method (found by WrongWay) won't work, I will try this one. Thanks.

TreoHELP wrote: March 28th, 2003
Please let me know when you get Hoho to work on the treo 300. I just bought the program, but the ringtones won't play...

Thanks in advance!

Linda wrote: June 19th, 2003
I just bought the Hoho program, and can't figure out what format is needed on my Treo 300. From this thread, I'm guessing that it will not work with any formats that were supplied? Any advice or help would be appreciated!

NateS wrote: June 19th, 2003
Another option is TCRinger from TreoCentral or mark\space which works with the 300.
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