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Saving tunes. Loops in MIDI files.RNS:: logo
Robert Schechter wrote: November 4th, 2002
If I create a tune, how do I save it? I have tried to use a MIDI for a NOKIA ringtone. I have added an L at the end to have it loop, but I cannot save the modified file. If I try to export to MIDI, I am told that MIDI does not support the L option. If I try to convert to a ringtone, I press the NOKIA option, and nothing seems to happen. (I also note that there is no MIDI creator plugin, as your webpage calls it. Is it just called something else..??) What am I doing wrong.?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 4th, 2002
If you have created a ringtone, the only way to save it as a text is to copy it eg. to MemoPad.
You can also export it to a MIDI file, but due to the MIDI format's limitations, some information will not be saved.
For this reason you cannot save loop information in a MIDI file.

If a sound plays well when "Nokia" format is selected (visible on the pop-up on the top right), it means it already is in the Nokia format and there is no need to convert it. However you can convert it to the "Nokia Keys" format for easier copying it to a phone.

To convert a ringtone to another format, first select the original ringtone format (with the pop-up on the top right), and then call the "Ringtone => To Another Format" menu command. Finally select the desired format from the list that shows up.

The "MIDI Creator Plug-in" is now called "MIDI Export Plug-In". Indeed, by mistake the old name is still visible in the "about.html" file (the one from HoHo 3.6 ZIP and SIT packages), which - thanks to you, Robert - I have just changed and it will be correct with the new version.

Robert Schechter wrote: November 4th, 2002
I see no "Ringtone => To Another Format" command on any menu. Is this too perhaps differently named...
What is the difference between Nokia and Nokia Keys format. Finally, once it IS in the correct Nokia format, how does one transfer it to the phone...?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 5th, 2002
The "To Another Format..." command of the "Ringtone" menu is available on the main HoHo's form (the one that is loaded when you launch HoHo).

Basically the "Nokia" format is the one you see on the Nokia phones' display. Tha "Nokia Keys" format tells you which buttons to press on a phone to enter the ringtone in the "Nokia" format.

And that's an easy way in which you can "transfer" the ringtone to a phone. As far as beaming ringtones to cell phones is concerned, it has already been mentioned in this thread of HoHo Discussion: "How transfer ringtone to nokia 6210".
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