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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Problem (or bug??) with the trial version (3.7)RNS:: logo
Aaron J. Outhier wrote: June 5th, 2003
I no longer have the trial version, but I remember that while I did, if I installed the two plug-ins for "Nokia" and "RTTL" I would get the message: "Nokia plug-in could not be fully loaded" (Then again, it *might* have been "RTTL plug-in could not..."). I would then be unable to use any features from that plug-in. Once again, this was in the trial version. I didn't check for sure, but I should have had plenty of available Ram. If you believe that this is a platform specific problem, please respond and I will Relay my Device's specifics.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 5th, 2003
This is not a bug and it's not a problem with your handheld. It is one of the trial version limitations - you can install up to 2 Plug-ins, but also up to 2 Ringtone Formats.

So in your case: "RTTTL" was the first installed format, and then came the "Nokia" Plug-in which tried to install two formats: "Nokia" and "Nokia KPSF" - the latter has exceeded the limit and thus was not loaded.

Aaron J. Outhier wrote: June 18th, 2003
How did I manage to forget the other bug? I'm so distractable! DUH! There were TWO bugs I was going to write about! What is wrong with me?!!?
Now, uh, what was I going to say?
Oh, yes!
In the trial version, if I did have more than two Plug-Ins in memory when I ran HoHo, I got a dialog saying, "blah-blah. You can't do that. Blah-blah. Please select the extra plug-ins you don't need and I'l delete them" or something equivalent. When I do so, and the number (of Plug-ins) is reduced to two, I would either get a Fatal Exception, or my Palm would undergo a soft reset - I don't recall which one right at this moment, as this happened a while ago. What did I do wrong this time??


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 18th, 2003
Thanks for reporting. This is a bug, indeed, but in fact I already knew about it.
Fortunately it is limited to the trial version only. I know - it's discouraging to get such alert before you even start using HoHo, but it happens only once only to those who tried to exceed the limit :)
Anyway, it will be fixed in the next release.
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