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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

ManualRNS:: logo
Teresa Landicho wrote: October 26th, 2004
I have a new Treo 600 and I've read a lot of good things about HoHo. So, I bought it but now I can't figure out how to use it. Is there a manual somewhere? I tried entering a song copying from a music sheet using the staff plug-in. I can't even get past the first note. How do I enter notes. After tapping the note, how do I put it on the staff? I need a manual.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: October 26th, 2004
There is no manual as such. Most (if not all) of the advanced operations are described in the HoHo FAQ.

Using the Staff Plug-in is in fact extremely simple. After tapping the note you put it on the staff by simply tapping the desired place in the staff. You can later move the note up/down by moving your stylus over the staff. To finally encode the note (i.e. add it to the ringtone field), tap the "Add" button.
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