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HoHo for Samsung I-300?RNS:: logo
Ben wrote: June 29th, 2002
Please? :)

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 29th, 2002
OK. I see Samsung SPH I-300 is a Palm powered phone. As the manufacturer doesn't provide the ROM for POSE (Palm OS Emulator), I have no way of testing it myself. And I'm not going to buy a real I300 :-)

That's why I need your help. Can you please check the following:
Are there two separate sets of tunes: one for the alarms (e.g. for the Date Book), and one for the phone ringer?
Or perhaps there is one common set and you can choose the same tunes for both the alarms and the ringer?
If there are two sets and only one of them works with HoHo, or there is just one set that doesn't work with HoHo, please do the following with the "not compatible" one:
Tell me the name, type and creator ID of the database that contains this set. You can check it eg. with RsrcEdit. If the database contains MIDI files (ie. not the wave music) adding its support to HoHo with the knowledge of its name, type and creator ID is very simple (and if you hurry up, you'll have it in HoHo 3.0 in the first week of July). The best idea is that you send this database to me (take it from your Palm Backup directory of your PC). As an alternative, you can check (again with RsrcEdit) if the contents of each record in the database begins with "PMrc" - then I know that they really are MIDI files.

If I don't get any of the above - there is no way that I add this support, otherwise - no problem!

Ben wrote: June 30th, 2002
Ok, so I tried using HoHo version 2. There are 2 sets of tones. The alarms one does work (I'm guessing you mean when I select "System MIDI Database" from the drop down menu). But the phone tones don't seem to be anywhere. As for using RsrcEdit, I'm not exactly sure what to look for. Any clue as to what the database might be called? I tried looking under "creator" PhAp, which seems to be the creator for the incoming/missed/outgoing call logs, etc. I emailed 2 databases that might be it to your address. Thanx...

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 30th, 2002
Unfortunately none of the databases you emailed me contain the music data. Keep on searching. There must be a second database in which the "phone tones" (as you call them) reside.

While using RsrcEdit try searching both in RAM and in ROM. Search for non-Resource databases (ie. containing records, not resources) only. After you open a suspect database, open its records, too, and see if their data begins with "PMrc". The suspect database should contain as many records as many phone tones you have.

The last thing you can do is to use "find in files" command on your desktop computer. Search in your Palm Backup directory for the files containing the "PMrc" phrase (without the quotation marks). OR search for the files containing a phrase which is a name of any of the phone tones.

Ben wrote: July 7th, 2002
I tried both looking for PMrc and ringer names in my backup folder, but the only thing that came up was the BellTek or whatever file that I had sent you. Ummm... While looking using RsrcEdit, I haven't been able to find any record containing databases that have PMrc besides the clock alarm sounds. Any other suggestions as to how to look for the correct database? Thanx...

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 7th, 2002
The files must be well hidden :-) Perhaps the ringtones of Samsung I-300 are not in MIDI format.

Our last chance to find them is something that I've prepared yesterday - a little program that runs on your handheld and finds all the MIDI records in the whole handheld memory (ROM and RAM).

So, Ben, go ahead and download the file MIDI_search.prc. Run it on your device and send the results (text) to my e-mail...

And a message to everyone (if you happen to read this) who would like HoHo to support his/her Palm:
To speed the things up, you can always use MIDI_search.prc and send the results to me. It's the reliable way to check if the sounds you expect to be supported are in fact the MIDI files and thus if they can be supported.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 10th, 2002
I have just received the MIDI search result from Ben.

Unfortunately the only MIDI files on Samsung I-300 are the Alarms. The ringtones must be in another format, and that is wave, I suppose.

For various reasons HoHo will never (?) support wave music. Sorry...

Ben wrote: July 10th, 2002
NOOOOO!!! *sigh* oh well... thanx anyhow for trying. :)

Ken wrote: April 22nd, 2003
Will this application work for the Samsung I-330?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 22nd, 2003
As I wrote above - it won't work with Samsung I-330 phone ringtones.

You can, however, still use HoHo to create and edit system alarms as well as ringtones for other cell phones.
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