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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Different alarms for different timesRNS:: logo
Danny Arsenault wrote: June 3rd, 2003
This is not a HoHo question technically, but it's close. I wanted to create a bunch of different alarm sounds and then use different sounds for different reasons. Then I wouldn't even have to read the message. I could just hear it and hit "OK" Does anyone know how to use different alarm sounds for different events? Do I need another program? Thanks.


Aaron J. Outhier wrote: June 8th, 2003
Try Datebk 4 or Datebk5 from pimlicosoftware:
http://www.pimlicosoftware.com/datebk5.htm (or /datebk4.htm). Both cost U.S. $24.95 with a free 45 day trial. These programs will allow you to select a default alarm sound, but also allow you to set alarms on an individual basis, ie. per alarm. Unfortunately, you cannot set individual snooze or remind sounds. That shouldn't be a big problem, however. It offers a lot of flexability to the existing DateBook program included with your Palm. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!! THERE ARE *SO* MANY OPTIONS AVAILABLE, THAT YOU RISK BEING OVERWHELMED OR CONFUSED BY THEM ALL!!!! Also, wondering "What does this option do" is better explained by the directions than by checking/unchecking the box or whetever, since you may not remember which option you changed if you need to "unchange" it.

Anyway, take a look at the website for more information.

Danny Arsenault wrote: June 9th, 2003
In case anyone else reads this thread, I found another program that does kind of what I wanted, though it's probably not as option-rich as the one Aaron mentions. The one I found is Freeware and it's called Interrupt Me, and it basically allows you to set a schedule of alarms and you can specifiy which sound for each alarm and there are a few other features as well.

If it's not here anymore I'm sure you could find it with a search on Interrupt, Me, Palm:

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