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RNS:: Hi-Launcher forum thread

Suggestions about hilauncherRNS:: logo
Mar00k wrote: January 25th, 2007
1. Ability to sort items in menus (submenus) by caption.
This can be really useful for users, who use hilauncher as main launcher. I use hilauncher to llaunch 99% of programs, and sorting feature can save much time to organize different submenus.
2 Navigate using Treo keyboard.
For now it is only possible way - assign 'shortcut' to every menu item. But can be implemented the following: tap on 'q' - go to first item starting wirh 'q', but not launch it (like it is in builtin treo launcher). This can be great to quick navigation.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: January 26th, 2007
Mar00k, I can say these suggestions are great and you're the first to tell me about them!

There's a very big chance I'll implement them in the very next version.

Ben Rosenbloom wrote: March 8th, 2007
Allow submenu list (such as a long list of programs) to scroll. Right now I don't seem to be able to see all of the items on the list because it won't scroll.

I'm very grateful for your program. It makes the Treo workable and accessible where other third-party conventional launchers do not. I second Marook's suggestion about using the keyboard to navigate. This is the great strength of the new launcher Propel.

Ben Rosenbloom wrote: January 11th, 2009
Sorry to unsubscribe, but months ago I switched to the I-phone. My 700p with all of its conflicting software additions which provided elements that the OS did not provide simply made me crazy and I often wanted to throw the phone in the garbage can.

The Palm Pre may change this, but as many others may feel, they are still not sure about
palm support, responsiveness, or long-term commitments.

I do trust that the iphone will gain a hardware keyboard and probably incorporate the wonderful features of the new Palm OS. RIM may follow suit. And I do trust that Apple will be in business and constant development for the long term.

Best of luck to you, and I hope - as shsh software and others are doing - that you will extend your work to other platforms.

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