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RNS:: HBX forum thread

HBX Exclusions Issue/conflict with AgendusRNS:: logo
Jordan wrote: February 13th, 2008
I seem to have found a small problem with the Exclusions feature. I'm not sure if the problem is HBX or not to be honest.

I have two programs on my Palm that need to keep thier hardbutton clear, so that they can 'cycle' through different views.

Takephone and Agendus Pro

If I set them to be excluded in HBX, Takephone works perfectly. However Agendus Pro does not.

-If I launch Agendus Pro via the Launcher or HBX popup, it's properly excluded and all HBX popups are dormant when using Agendus.
-If I go directly to Agendus Pro from Takephone (which is exluded from HBX), then HBX is not properly excluding the Agendus application and the popup comes up on any hardbutton press when within Agendus.
-Takephone is properly excluded no matter how I launch it (directly from Agendus, HBX, normal launcher or otherwise)

Any ideas? I use Agendus every day and really need it excluded from the Popup.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: February 18th, 2008
This is most probably related to the way both these applications launch each other. It's possible that Agendus sublaunches Takephone and thus HBX does not detect this.

Please see if Hi-Launcher's exclusions also work incorrectly there. There's a bit better recognition of current application in Hi-Launcher than in HBX.

Pipin wrote: May 2nd, 2012
Palm TX, stillThe data plan charges for saortphmnes are too much for the rare times I access the web via cellphone.WiFi is in the hospital, office, so I can use a netbook or Palm TX to access the web. Battery life is still too much of an issue in a smartphone only setup. iPhone medical apps are just starting to catch up with those of the Palm OS.A smartphone is ineveitable, but not quite yet for me.
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